Can You Be Your Own Real Estate Agent

How to Become a Real Estate Agent

Posted by: Kaplan Real Estate Instruction
Updated: November 22, 2021

Deciding to get a real estate amanuensis is a major career shift. People enter the real estate industry from various occupations and careers and at diverse stages of life. Everyone has different reasons for choosing real estate every bit the all-time career choice for them. Simply, one question consistently comes from people looking to enter the real estate industry: "How do I become a existent estate agent?"

It mostly depends on where an individual wants to practice real estate. Becoming a real estate agent requires a state license. Each country regulates its own real estate licensing procedure, and each state's regulations or rules are slightly dissimilar. Just, in that location are a few basic requirements that are always consistent when getting started in your real estate career.

Full general Requirements to Become a Real Estate Agent

To be eligible to become a licensed real estate salesperson or agent, you must:

  1. Be at to the lowest degree eighteen or 19 years old (depends on the country)
  2. Take legal U.s. residency
  3. Complete your required prelicense education
  4. Pass your land real estate license examination

These items represent the high-level checklist of what it takes to become a licensed existent estate amanuensis. But there are a lot of decisions you need to make along the way that volition determine your level of success in your real estate career.

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Is Becoming a Real Manor Agent Right For You lot?

The starting time footstep in this process is making sure that existent estate is right for you. As a real estate salesperson, each day is spent working for you lot. This means handling your own office direction, paperwork, prospecting leads, developing relationships, managing contacts, and dealing with buyers and sellers.

As for the salary range of a real estate amanuensis, that amount depends on the number of properties you sell and your committee percentage for those sales. This earning construction is known as performance-based committee. Co-ordinate to the U.S. Department of Labor, the bacon of an average real estate amanuensis is effectually $62,990 (2020).

Reach out to local real estate agents and brokers and enquire them questions about what the day-to-day piece of work is like. Inquire questions about real estate as a long-term career. Starting a full-fourth dimension career as a real estate agent tin can't be treated like a hobby. It requires a full commitment.

Thinking near starting a real estate career? Download the Launching Your Real Estate Career eBook.

What Can Yous Do With a Real Estate License?

More than becoming a real estate agent, getting your real estate license opens the door to other opportunities within the housing manufacture. Here are just a few examples of existent estate-related careers:

  • Existent Estate Broker: Manages a team of existent estate agents.
  • Appraiser: Verifies the value of a real estate property.
  • Property Managing director: Oversees and maintains real manor properties.
  • Real Estate Investor: Buys and sells existent manor properties for financial gain - like to house flippers.
  • Real Estate Attorney: Provides or examines the closing documents of a real estate transaction.
  • Home Inspector: Inspects the condition of a property before purchase.
  • Mortgage Loan Officer: Works with a financial institution to originate property loans.
  • Existent Estate Lensman: Captures interior and exterior images of commercial and residential real estate properties.
  • House Stager: Ensures a property looks its all-time for potential buyers.

How Long Does it Have to Become a Real Estate Agent?

On average, it takes four to six months to consummate your required real manor courses and laissez passer the licensing exam. Even so, in that location are a few factors that influence the time it takes to become a existent manor agent. These factors include whether you lot accept your real manor courses online or in-classroom, which state you lot're obtaining your real estate license, and how many times it takes y'all to pass the licensing exam.

Online vs. In-Classroom Real Estate Courses

One of these factors depends on your learning style. If you prefer learning in a traditional classroom setting, that could take around four to half-dozen months to complete your courses and get your real manor license. Just if y'all'd rather take your real manor courses online, information technology could have a mere eight weeks.

Land-Specific Real Manor Education Requirements

Each state has its own requirements before issuing a real estate license. Overall, states require specific pre-licensing courses before y'all take the exam. These requirements, including the number of credit hours needed, tin can vary from state to state.

How Many Attempts Y'all'll Need to Pass Your Real Manor Licensing Examination

The topics covered in a real estate licensing test can vary in each state. Passing your test on the kickoff effort might be ideal, just it doesn't always work out that style. In the event that you need a 2nd attempt, consider these variables:

  • How many times can I take the examination in my country?
  • How often is the real estate test offered in my state?
  • Is there required reanimation between exams in my state?

How Hard is information technology to Get Your Real Estate License?

In short, getting your existent estate license doesn't have to be hard or overly complicated. Just empathise the time and effort needed to:

  • Complete your required real manor prelicensing courses
  • Study for the real manor exam
  • Pass the exam
  • Annals your new real manor license with your state

How Much Does information technology Cost to Get a License and Go a Real Estate Agent?

It might not cost as much every bit you look - from a couple of hundred dollars to just over a 1000. How much you'll spend on real estate school depends on your preferred learning fashion and the required teaching hours in your state. Discover your state from this list to see what yous tin can expect.

A few different options are available to you, including alive online courses, on-need courses, home study, and prelicensing education.

  • Live Online: $300 - $900+: Combines the stability of having a scheduled class time with the convenience of a live teacher from the comfort of your own dwelling house.
  • On-Demand: $200 - $800+: Complete the piece of work on your own time! This is a great option for busy parents, students, and professionals who aren't able to nourish courses on a fix schedule.
  • Home Study: $180 - $600: For those working with a tight upkeep and have the bulldoze to complete courses independently.

What is the Difference Between a Existent Estate Amanuensis and a Real Estate Broker?

Simply put, yous have to be a real estate agent first to become a broker. But real estate agents aren't always brokers. Existent manor agents must achieve and maintain a professional license to help their clients buy, sell, and rent real estate properties. A broker is a real manor professional with further education, training, and license requirements. Brokers might work independently, only oftentimes hire a team of existent estate agents to work for them.

How to Become a Real Estate Agent

While the specifics vary by state, there are five steps that every individual must have to earn their license and become a real manor agent.

Footstep one to Condign a Existent Estate Amanuensis: Understand Your State'south Real Manor Licensing Requirements

Each state's real estate licensing requirements are dissimilar. Your state's real estate commission website volition list the official prelicensing requirements. Kaplan Real Estate Instruction offers a couple of resource that narrow this knowledge gap downward. The Steps to Licensing resources beneath is designed to show, in uncomplicated steps, what it takes to become licensed in each land, including California, Minnesota, and North Carolina. In improver, Kaplan offers a page dedicated to each country's real estate licensing and standing education requirements.

Stride ii to Becoming a Real Estate Agent: Enroll in a Real Estate Prelicensing Form

There are a variety of ways you tin can consummate your real estate prelicensing education requirements. For example, live classrooms at real estate schools, some realty firms, universities, and technical schools offer existent estate licensing programs with abode-written report and online course opportunities.

This is an important conclusion in your journey. Brand sure you enroll with a school that has an excellent reputation, offers quality content and instructors, and is focused on positive pupil outcomes. Your real estate licensing education will be comprehensive, but it volition also be the springboard to a successful career every bit a real estate professional. Kaplan Real Estate Education offers a variety of user-friendly ways to complete your didactics.

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Real Manor Amanuensis Reciprocity

Past and big, real estate is a state-specific profession. This is considering real manor laws very often differ from each country. Withal, real estate license reciprocity allows electric current agents from certain states to apply for a existent manor license in a unlike country without taking all of that country's required pre-licensing courses.

For example, the state of Colorado allows license reciprocity for all 50 states. Being able to fulfill your job duties in multiple states tin atomic number 82 to a diverse and exciting career. With a career in real estate, the possibilities are endless!

Step 3 to Becoming a Real Manor Agent: Apply To Take the Real Estate Salesperson Exam

Timing is important at this step. Brand sure yous are following the awarding procedure with your state then you tin sit down for your real estate agent examination soon after you lot terminate your courses. This process will be country-specific and include a fee. Check with your state'southward real estate regulatory authority for consummate details on how and where to take your real estate exam.

Some states require you to submit fingerprints and laissez passer a background cheque. This tin have weeks to process. In many states, the awarding procedure must be complete before you can annals or schedule your exam engagement. Don't let the paperwork become a roadblock to getting started in your new existent estate career.

Footstep four to Becoming a Existent Manor Agent: Pass the Existent Manor Salesperson Examination

Passing the real manor examination takes more than finishing the educational requirements—it takes grooming. Not everyone passes the exam the first fourth dimension. Preparing yourself to pass the state exam takes boosted study time.

Kaplan highly recommends enrolling in a real estate exam prep class. Because the ultimate goal is to help you pass the test, most of Kaplan'south prelicensing packages include the comprehensive Exam Prep Class. Taking exercise exams, measuring your strengths and weaknesses, and working through the comprehensive topical reviews will sharpen your noesis and prepare yous for examination day.

Prove up to the exam location with a positive attitude, reply the questions using the massive knowledge depository financial institution y'all accumulated in your studies, and walk out with a passing grade on your real estate exam!

Stride 5 to Becoming a Real Manor Amanuensis: Observe a Real Estate Banker

Your passing grade on your real estate licensing examination doesn't quite hateful you lot take a license notwithstanding. A existent estate salesperson (amanuensis) is licensed to act on behalf of a broker, all the same,  may not human activity as a real estate agent independently. Consider finding a real estate broker early on in your licensing process.

Once you have completed your prelicensing education requirements and passed your exam, you and your broker will both need to complete the final paperwork with the land. After your grade is accepted, your license will exist issued, and you may exercise real estate nether the sponsorship of the broker. Keep in mind that there are a number of items to consider when finding the correct existent estate brokerage.

Good luck on your journeying to becoming licensed, also as your eventual successful career as a real estate agent! Each day tin can exist unique and dissimilar for a real manor agent, and it can be a very rewarding and exciting career!

To get started obtaining a real estate license where you live, simply select your state from our listing of real estate course options.


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